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ACC Request

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Covenants - Article V - Architectural Review:


Section 5.2 - Scope of Review. No building, fence, wall, outbuilding, landscaping, pool, athletic facility or other structure or improvement shall be erected, altered, added onto or repaired upon any portion of the Property without prior written consent of the ACC, provided however, that improvements erected, altered, added onto or repaired by Declarant shall be expect for the provision of the Article V.

Section 5.3 - Submission of Plans. Prior to initiation of construction upon any Lot, the Owner thereof shall first submit to the ACC a complete set of plans and specification of materials and exterior colors, and any other information deemed necessary by the ACC for the performance of the function. In addition, the Owner shall submit the identity of the individual or company intended to preform the work and projected commencement and completion dates.

Section 5.4 - Plan Review. Upon receipt by the ACC of all of the information required by this Article V, it shall have thirty (30) days in which to review said plan. The proposed improvements will be approved if in the sole opinion of the ACC: (i) the improvements will be of an architectural style and material that are compatible with the other structures in the Property; (ii) the improvements will not violate any restrictive convent or encroach upon any easement or cross platted building set back lines; (iii) the improvements will not result in the reduction in property value, use or enjoyment of any Property; (iv) the individual or company intended to perform the work is acceptable to the ACC; and (v) the improvements will be substantially completed, including cleanup, within three (3) months of the date of commencement [6 months for the construction of a completed house]. In the event the ACC fails to issue its written approval with thirty (30) days of receipt of the last of the material or documents required to complete the Owners' submission, the ACC's approval shall be deemed to have been granted without further action.

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